1) Please use the 'Search Type' drop down box to locate your property below.
2) Open the correct assessment by clicking the Assesssment Number, and then click here.
* 2025 assessed values will not be available online until the public inspection of the tax roll period in August.
(This database reflects the ownership status as of June 20, 2024)
Site Disclaimer
The information and data reflected on this website is provided as a resource to the public for informational purposes only. In some instances, the St. Tammany Parish Assessor’s Office (“STPAO”) may have more up-to-date information that may not be reflected on this website. It is recommended that you schedule an in-person meeting with the STPAO to confirm the correctness of any information prior to use. The information and data have been collected for inventory of property per LA R.S. 61:101 D et. seq. including the creation and maintenance of the St. Tammany Parish Assessor’s Geographic Information System parcel map. This data and mapping service is provided to assist property owners in ascertaining the method, rules, and standards of value by which property has been assessed. The St. Tammany Parish Assessor’s Office uses various sources to compile this information, including, field inspections, aerial photography, taxpayer applications, land records, recorded deeds, plats, map files and other public records data and third-party sources. Users of this information are hereby notified that the aforementioned sources should be consulted for verification of the information reflected on this website. The STPAO assumes no legal responsibility for the content obtained from public records and other third-party sources, and makes no claim as the accuracy of the base maps and their associated data tables. STPAO assumes no responsibility for the positional or content accuracy reflected on any maps. The STPAO assumes no obligation to assist the end user with the use of this data. Again, if there is a question or issue with any data it is recommended that you schedule an in-person meeting with the STPAO and we would be glad to assist you.
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